niedziela, 27 kwietnia 2014

The meaning life

Life has a good and bad. Good things don't exist without bad things, how light without dark. We can still  learn  - this is beautiful. Many people think that meaning life is a: friends, family, dreams. Ok, but- We can don't have friend, family can leave us- and dreams... many people don't have even this. I think meaning of life is still try be better. Life is beautiful , even, when we don't have nothing, because we still can wait for better tomorrow. It is important- have hope.
-If you want have good life, you must have problem.
-It's stupid!
-If you got everything, what you want in one second, how is a meaning of life?

My life for 10 years

My dream:
I travelled all world, I have finished studies,I have work and boyfriend, maybe husband. I have own home, I working with animals or humans - no in office.
I studing field of study, who will don't intrested me, and I will work in supermarket.

I have hope, I will do everything, would do my dreams real :D So I can't give up!

One change

Oh... Ok. One change? It will be kindness. No, her lack. We still are in bad mood, tired and angry. Realy meanly for other people. Why we don't help one another? We must be better and nicer.

Skills, which I want

Hmm... If I could do everything.... I want read minds. It is no  original, but how fun! And really helpful. This can help me in everything. And we could  know much more.
Second skill I want is ... fly. I don't must explain, true?
And.. a play at the violin or piano - for me- it is magic.
And from the possible - I want can good horse riding- I am still learn.

I would like to visit most...

Japan! At this moment- I think so. I don't know, what I will want in future. Maybe my dream will different. Why I want visit this country? Because I like this culture, every what is Japanese. And... I want see this :


My favourite teacher

Because my favourite teacher said: " don't write about me! I know, this will lie!", I don't do it. I going write why I like him :D Because:
-He is interesting , and lesson is fun and diffrent from the other
-We can talk with he for different subject XD
-He knows everything! Answer for every question
-We really much learn at this lesson
So... everybody who go to the school number 7, know about who I writing :D

sobota, 26 kwietnia 2014

My favourite musican\band

Oww... this is a thing, which a change is really often! I like grunge rock, jrock, death core, etc. This are little known  genres... i like this ( and more...!) band\musican:



ADAMS(for tolerant):

Bring Me The Horizon:


Suicide Silence:

System Of A Down:

The Gazzete:

Alice In Chains:

and...polish band- O.N.A - I admire this singer!:

What I think about politics and political?

It's stupid- but about politic I don't think much. Why it's stupid? Because, for 4 years I will vote in elections. It my duty. And.. why I don't think about this, what do our politicians ? Because I don't understand so many decision. Why they increase retiring age ? Why they don't invest in young people? Why our health service is, how is? It is a question, for I don't know answer.

My favourite possession

My favourite possession is my guitar. Honestly- I still learn play, sometime is good, sometime bad- but only because I practice too small! My guitar (in my opinion) is nice- but she has some traces - from "accidents".I told earlier I am sluoch ?

Typical food from my country

People in Poland like eat greasy :D But we have too some strange food, eg. pickled  cucumber , "żurek" ( soup with flour ) , "schabowy" (fried pork cutlet) with potatoes. Poles do really good chocolate - I love everything with chocolate ! You know, what is funny? Poland is third country on the  world production apples, after china and USA. In my mind- we don't eat healthily. Fast food and sweets are  everywere! The greater part of Poles don't cook in home. What a pity!

("schabowy"- honestly- I don't like this)

poniedziałek, 7 kwietnia 2014

The most dangerous moment in my life

I am slouch, so was many such situation :P
When I was five, almost i drowned in pool.
When I was seven , almost I was hit for the car.
Recently I  fell of the horse and i was under his hooves.
One time, I almost blew up cooker.
Systematically I do myself harm.
It is a miracle , that i still live !
Thank you , God !

My favourite sports

It's a horse ride. Why? Because I love  animals and it's the first sport, in which i am good !
I must say that : Everytime, when I ride horse I am afraid this, what can be. It is dangerous and i have to remember, it is only animal! They can frighten hisself and I can break  my hand or leg. I still love it-
although I felt every fall.

My favourite book and movie

It's too dificult topic, because I really like read!  The books, which I read and like is much.  I like books like:
"Ala Makota"- M. Budzyńska; no english version
"Ostatni elf"- Silvana de Mari
"Zakazana magia"-
"Harry Potter"-J.K Rowling
"Zmierzch"(Twilight)-Stephanie Meyer
"W pustyni i w puszczy"- H.Sienkiewicz - everyone think it's strange, because it was our book to school :D
"Klątwa tygrysa"- Colleen Houck
"Eragon"- Christopher Paolini
"Hobbit - tam i z powrotem"- J.R.R. Tolkien
The movies , which I like :
"Woda dla słoni"
" Niewrażliwi"
"Wyznania gejszy"
"Życie Pi"
"Władca pierścieni"
And many, many others...

In my opinion - the most interesting places on the world

Hmmm.... how i can choose? But, if I have to do it...
I want go to Paris, New York, London, Rome, but...It's only cities - built for the people. Nature can build the most beautiful place.
In my life, I want see:
The great canyon
pyramids in Egypt
Easter island
I want go to the India.
To the Scotland.
To the Holland.
To the Greece.
I want see all interesting thing on the world, but I know, it will dificult.
My biggest dream is go to the... Japan! It something in this country... I can't call this.

The best day in my life

I can't answer  at this question, because every day in my life is beatiful. We learn, we love and we feel. People don't appreciate this, what give them life. They have family, food, water, freedom, home. We have realy big lucky! We can go to school, we can belive in this, what we want, we can be, who we want be!